CBD COFFE, IT’S MORE THAN JUST COFFEE We are a nation of coffee drinkers, coffee lovers. It’s in our culture, in our DNA, if we can say it. Coffee is not only a tool for awakening brain cells, but also a key link that connects us collectively. However, it is no secret that coffee (especially […]

about CBD
Menstrual cramps and cannabis: can we eliminate them completely naturally?
MENSTRUAL CRAMPS AND CANNABIS: CAN WE ELIMINATE THEM COMPLETELY NATURALLY? Menstrual cramps and cannabis – Cannabis is an important medicinal plant for women use, and it’s definitely not a new concept. Even since CBD (cannabidiol), the most important cannabis compound, was only isolated from the plant in the 1940s. for centuries before that, women have […]
Epilepsy and CBD or how people help themselfs
EPILEPS AND CBD OR HOW PEOPLE HELP EACH OTHER A number of studies are underway with regard to the use of cannabis in epilepsy. Maybe even the most numerous. The effective use of cannabis in various forms of epilepsy dates back to ancient times. It is mentioned by various pharmacopoeias of the old world as […]
Strengthening the immune system – why is it important?
STRENGTHENING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM – WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Acute respiratory infections (cold and flu) occur throughout the year. During the winter months, the number of acute respiratory infections is expected to increase due to the deterioration of environmental factors such as: air temperature, sunlight. The worst and most common are infections in January or […]
5 facts on why CBD increases work productivity
TOP 5 FAQS FOR CBD AND DEPRESSION Our habits have changed. For more than a year, many of you have moved your office to your bedroom or kitchen. Disturbing factors and loneliness have increased. For many, the new situation poses a major challenge. We explored how CBD can help you, when the topic is work productivity, […]
Top 5 FAQs for CBD and Depression
CBD products have blown up on the natural and holistic health markets. It used to come predominantly in the form of oils and tinctures, but now you can find them in gummies, lotions, pastes, vapes, and more.
The best CBD products for sleep and anxiety
Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become an incredibly popular natural and holistic way to overcome a variety of ailments. From pain management to appetite to eliminating insomnia and anxiety, people…
Combating spring tiredness with natural remedies
Early spring is the time when many people face a common problem that’s very hard to get rid off: spring fatigue. Weather changes and huge temperature differences affect not only our well-being but…
Does Detox work? Is it possible to cleanse your body just in a few days?
Nowadays when we are talking about a healthy lifestyle and diets, it’s hard to miss the word “detox.” The idea behind the word is that the body needs to get rid of the toxins and cleanse itself periodically. But…
CBD resin effects use and dosage
CBD resin – Industrial, Indian or medicinal cannabis comes from the same plant called Latin Cannabis Sativa L. In everyday life. The term cannabis refers to industrial cannabis. The term…
CBD is Non-intoxicating
As opposed to other components in the cannabis plant, CBD is defined to have no psychoactive properties. It is, therefore, more therapeutic than intoxicating compared to other cannabis products. In addition, the usage of CBD products has correlated with calming and relaxing effects. Source >>
Quitting smoking
A 2013 pilot study found that smokers who used inhalers containing CBD smoked fewer cigarettes than usual and stopped craving nicotine. This suggests that CBD may help people quit smoking. Source >>
CBD is therapeutic
Pharmaceuticals help to treat medical and health conditions all over the world, but often the side effects can diminish or even outweigh the benefits. This is where CBD can excel. CBD is considered non-toxic and almost completely side effect free so, for some it can take the place of other medications. Soruce >>
Types of cannabinoids
There are more than 60 types of cannabinoids. CBD is a short form for cannabidiol; however, cannabis oil contains more than 60 kinds of cannabinoids, and science has discovered the health benefits of just a few of them. Source >>
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Were there additional questions related to CBD in the contributions? You are also thinking about CBD products and you are not sure where to start and with which product?
We are happy to answer all these questions and share all our knowledge with you.